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Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle

Foldable 300psi háþrýstihjól lofthöggsdæla með lyftistöng og mæli fyrir fjöðrun fjallahjólahjól

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Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle details

Foldable 300psi háþrýstihjól lofthöggsdæla með lyftistöng og mæli fyrir gaffal og fjöðrun að aftan fjallahjól

* Auðvelt að tengja shrader ventil með lyftistöng

* 300 psi fjöðrun að aftan og gaffalfjöðrun

* Nákvæmur stillihnappur 2-3 psi loftþrýstingsstýring fyrir hverja ýtingu.

* Lokað gúmmíkerfi sem ekki er rispað á dæluhaus

* Die-steyptur mælir grunnur

* 360° snúningsslanga hönnuð til að auðvelda dælingu

* Mjúkt 2-tóna handfang

Þrýstingur: 300 Psi / 20.7 bar hámark.

Þyngd: 260 g

Stærð: 25,5 cm (dæla), Ï1,61 tommur (mælir).

Tunna: Ál ál

Þrýstibyssa: Nákvæm stillir loftlosunarhnappur

Lofthöggdæla með lyftistöng og mæli
innan 5 daga
Upplýsingar Myndir
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle details
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle factory
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle manufacture
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle factory
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle factory
Foldable 300psi High-pressure Bike Air Shock Pump with Lever & Gauge for Suspension Mountain Bicycle scooter motorcycle supplier


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