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Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube

Bejgħ Sħun Superbsail 10Inch 10X2.5 Tubu Innertube Bil-Valv tal-Liwja 45 90 Grad Valv Għal Partijiet tal-Iskuters Elettriċi Tajers Ġewwa Tube

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Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube manufacture
Paramenters tal-Prodott
Karatteristika: 1. Dawn it-tajers u t-tubi ta 'ġewwa huma universali għall-aktar skuters elettriċi ta' 10 pulzieri. 2. Id-daqs tat-tubu ta 'ġewwa huwa 10 * 2.5 pulzieri, it-tubi ta' ġewwa huma universali. 3. Trazzjoni tajba, manuvrabbiltà u reżistenza għall-ilbies. Speċifikazzjoni: Materjal: Tubu ta 'ġewwa: Isobutylene Isoprene Daqs tal-Gomma: 10x2.50 pulzier Kulur: Iswed (kif juru stampi) Lista tal-pakketti: 1 * Tubu ta 'ġewwa
Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodotti
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube supplier
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube manufacture
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube factory
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube factory
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube details
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube supplier
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube manufacture
Ippakkjar u Trasport
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube factory
Oġġetti tal-Bejgħ Sħun
Għaliex Agħżelna
Superbsail Hot Sale 10Inch 10x2.5 Tube Innertube With Bent Valve 45 90 Degree Valve For Electric Scooter Parts Tires Inner Tube manufacture
Q1. Nista 'nordna kampjun biex niċċekkja l-kwalità? A: Iva ovvjament! Tista' tordna kampjun sett wieħed jew ftit biex tiċċekkja l-kwalità. U spiża waħda tal-kampjun issettjata tista 'tiġi rimborżata fl-ordni bl-ingrossa li jmiss tiegħek jekk il-prodotti jissodisfaw il-kundizzjoni.
Q2. Kif dwar il-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek? A: Għall-kampjuni, jista 'jkun 1-3 ijiem biex tippreparahom. U għall-produzzjoni tal-massa OEM, jista 'jieħu 7-10 ijiem skont l-ordni tiegħek qty u l-iskeda tal-produzzjoni tagħna. Għal ordnijiet ODM, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta li tindika l-ideat u r-rekwiżit tiegħek sabiex inkunu nistgħu nitkellmu fid-dettalji.
Q3. Nistgħu nipprintjaw il-logo tagħna stess fuq il-prodotti u l-ippakkjar? Kemm hemm għażliet? A: Nistgħu nipprintjaw il-LOGO tiegħek fuq il-prodott u nippersonalizzaw l-ippakkjar. Prodotti differenti għandhom MOQ differenti. Jekk il-kwantità hija żgħira, nistgħu nużaw l-istiker tal-logo fuq il-pakkett (għad-dettalji, jekk jogħġbok ibgħat inkjesta).
Q4. Il-prodott se jkun bil-ħsara/mibrux waqt it-trasportazzjoni? bħal arblu li jintwew, mutur, fender. : A: Tinkwetax, aħna nippakkjawhom sew qabel il-ġarr, bħal arblu u mutur li jintwew, nippakkjawhom fil-kaxxa, u l-fenders huma ppakkjati f'boroż tal-bżieżaq.
Q5. Jekk ikolli bżonn insewwi lokalment, x'għandi nagħmel jekk niltaqa' ma' problema? A: Nistgħu nipprovdulek programm ta 'tiswija ta' vidjow jew ritratti, kemm jekk qed tbigħ online jew issewwi lokalment, nistgħu nipprovdu assistenza teknika.
Q6. Liema tbaħħir tista 'tipprovdi u l-ħin delievey? A: DHL / UPS / Fedex / express: madwar 5-7 ijiem tax-xogħol Air DDP: madwar 10-15-il jum tax-xogħol Trakk DDP: madwar 30-40 jum tax-xogħol Ferrovija / Baħar DDP: 40-60 jum tax-xogħol


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