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Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5

Ridefixing Tajer Escooter tal-Maħżen tal-UE Għal Ninebot G30 Max Skuter Elettriku 10 * 2.5 " Tajer solidu tax-xehda

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Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ridefixing EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodott
Isem il-prodott
Tajer tal-bejgħ sħun tal-maħżen tal-UE għal Ninebot G30 Max scooter elettriku 10 * 2.5 " tajer solidu tax-xehda
10 "  * 2.5
aħmar, isfar, blu, aħdar  
Feaure 1
1. Magħmul minn kwalità u eko gomma, durabbli.
Karatteristika 2
2. disinn kontra ż-żliq,  qabda qawwija.
Karatteristika 3
3. Tajer solidu, l-ebda titqib, m'hemmx bżonn inflazzjoni, ħielsa mill-inkwiet.
Karatteristika 4
4. assorbiment ta 'xokk tax-xehda, irkib aktar komdu.
Karatteristika 5
5. Dekorazzjoni tal-mudell speċjali,  tgħammix u sewqan frisk, żommok f'burdata tajba kuljum.
Karatteristika 6
6.easy biex tinstalla, tissostitwixxi l-qadim jew dak miksur.
piż nett
1 tajer f'kaxxa tas-sengħa.
Ilbiesi għal
Max G30 scooter elettriku
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ippakkjar &Tbaħħir
Superbsail EU Warehouse Escooter Tyre For Ninebot G30 Max Electric Scooter 10*2.5
Ħafna mill-partijiet scooter tagħna għandhom stokk , jistgħu jirranġaw vjeġġ fi żmien 1-3 ijiem.
Ħafna mod ta 'tbaħħir għalik tagħżel :
DHL: 3 ~ 5 ijiem tax-xogħol
UPS: 4~6 Working days
FedEx|: 4~7 working days
TNT: 5~8 Working days
By Sea: 25~32 working dyas
Bt Train: 25~30 working days
Żewġ maħżen tal-UE (Ġermaniż u Ċek), tista 'tagħżel termini DDP, tieħu 3-7 ijiem biex tirċievi l-oġġetti jekk int fl-UE.
Irrakkomanda Prodotti
Introduzzjoni tal-Kumpanija

Is-Servizzi u s-Saħħa tagħna

Il-kompetenza ewlenija tagħna solution of parts and accessories for electric scooters & bicycles.
2.95% items are in stock, order can be delivered within 1 day.
3. two EU warehouses, near your city and home, 2-3 days goods received if you're in EU.
4.100% inspection before packing.
5. professional and passionate service team, no need worry about any problem you faced, trust us, we can do it beyond your satisfaction.
6.Main supplier of sharing scooter company, brand we're serving, Lyft, Bird, VOI, Lime etc.
Q1. Kif inhi l-kwalità tiegħek? Tittestja l-oġġetti tiegħek qabel il-kunsinna?
A: Yes, goods are 100% tested before delivery.

Q2. What is your terms of payment?
A: TT / Unjoni tal-Punent / Assigurazzjoni tal-Kummerċ 30% bħala depożitu, u 70% qabel il-kunsinna. Ritratti tal-prodott u l-pakkett jintwerew lilek qabel ma tħallas il-bilanċ.

Q3. How about your delivery time?
A: Normally your order will be delivered within 1-2 working days upon receipt of your payment as 95% items are in new stock. Shipping time depends on different country and different shipping option, we'll show you accurate time accordingly.

Besides, there're 2 European warehouses, one is in German, the other is in Czech, so normally it will take 2-4 days to receive goods if you're in Europe.

Q4. What is your Trade Terms?

Q5. What is your sample policy?
A: We're willing to send samples with customers paying the sample and the shipping cost.

Q6. Can you do OEM or ODM?
A: Yes, OEM or ODM is welcome, we can produce by your samples or technical drawings.

Q7. How is your package?
A: Generally, goods in neutral white boxes and brown cartons. OEM package is welcome, additional cost might be caused depends on cases.


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